VIC Strategic Partners

DIGIT360  is established in 2022 as a start-up company with permission from Universiti Teknologi MARA and registered with Business Innovation & Technology Commercialization Centre (BITCOM). With expertise in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), as well as Business and Management, DIGIT360 seeks to offer services in three main areas: (1) Event Management; (2) Software Development; and
(3) Training and Workshop.
Digital Information Interest Group (DIGIT) is a Special Interest Group (SIG) registered with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Branch, Malaysia. DIGIT is working in all aspects of digital information management focussing on two niche areas; digital informatics and social informatics. The mission of DIGIT is to cover research topics on digital informatics and social informatics applied to a broad range of scope, context, applications, data governance, technology-related issues, big data analytics, and health informatics.
Information Science Studies, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Branch Branch, Malaysia takes pride in being the pioneer in providing professional education to fulfil the manpower need of the country in three very important fields, namely: Information Management, Library Management, and Records Management. Our academic programmes, supplemented by industry attachments, equip graduates with knowledge and skills to take on the challenging demands of managing information in various forms and in various types of organisations. Our graduates become the main driving force for the development of a knowledge-based society, transforming Malaysia into a developed nation, and ensuring that the country’s rich reservoirs of knowledge are systematically organised, maintained and enhanced for optimum value. To achieve this aim, the programmes consist of blended components from four main areas: Information Technologies, Professional and Technical Aspects of Information and Records Management, Public Relations, and Users’ Needs and Services.

Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Universitas Ngudi Waluyo (UNW) berdiri tahun 2016 dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 262/KPT/I/2016 Tanggal 29 Agustus 2016. UNW merupakan penggabungan dari Akademi Keperawatan Ngudi Waluyo, Akademi Kebidanan Ngudi Waluyo, dan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Ngudi Waluyo. Akademi Keperawatan Ngudi Waluyo berdiri pada tanggal 1 Juni 1994 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor HK. Penggabungan ketiga institusi menjadi UNW didasari oleh keinginan luhur untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan daya saing bangsa melalui pendidikan tinggi pada lingkup dan bidang keilmuan yang lebih luas. Untuk memberikan arah bagi perjalanan UNW ke depan, telah dirumuskan visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran yang dijadikan dasar utama pelaksanaan UNW.

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC), formerly known as Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC), is a state university in the Bicol Region, Philippines. It is mandated primarily to provide higher technological, professional and vocational instruction and training in fisheries, trade and technology, arts and sciences, as well as short term technical and vocational courses, as the Board of Trustees may deem necessary, and shall promote researches in the exploration and conservation of natural resources in the province. Its main campus is located in Nabua, Camarines Sur.

Asia Research News is the largest research news platform in Asia, with a mission to increase diversity in news, elevating new voices and spreading knowledge.  We have worked with thousands of researchers to communicate their discoveries to the wider world. Our highly experienced team offers a complete suite of communication services and training for research institutions looking to expand their international presence.

Asia Research News is proud to support the Virtual Innovation Competition 2024 as a Strategic Partner.  We welcome innovators and inventors to join our Asia’s research community.  You can sign up for a free profile posting at

Contact details:

E-mail:   [email protected]




Indian Innovators Association works to celebrate creations of independent innovators , link them globally and lobby for their rewards. Indian Innovators Association mentors independent innovators, showcases their creative work, participates in global innovator exhibitions, provides consultancy on Innovation Audit.

The Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) is an institution engaged in developing Indonesian students potential, talents, and creativity by providing them opportunities to participate in scientific competitions and non competitions also activities in Indonesia and abroad.

Since its inception, IYSA has been active in various activities so that it can be affiliated with many countries such as: Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Abu Dhabi and so on.



The Union Of Arab Academics (Yemen) is an Arabian Research & innovation Development Institution and Non-Government Organization.  We interested in researches and innovation development and communicate with professors, experts, Innovations, inventors, scientists’ individuals or organizations, exchange ideas experiences in order to consolidate and improve performance in methodology and objectives in the field of scientific research.


Nusantara Training and Research (Indonesia) adalah sebuah lembaga pengembangan diri yang bergerak dalam bidang pelatihan, penelitian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat serta usahausaha lainnya yang menunjang upaya peningkatan dan pengembangan potensi sumber daya manusia dengan lebih memberikan perhatian pada bidang motivasi, komunikasi, manajemen kepemimpinan dan enterpreneurship. NUSANTARA TRAINING RESEARCH (NTR) memulai operasinya pada Februari 2020. Semenjak awal operasinya Bidang pelatihan merupakan bidang yang lebih banyak ditekuni dengan memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan kepemimpinan di beberapa kalangan baik institusi pendidikan dan kalangan profesional lainnya mulai dari tingkat TK hingga Perguruan tinggi, serta Institusi Pemerintah hingga Perusahaan (BUMN maupun Swasta Nasional) di berbagai daerah Indonesia. Semua ini merupakan upaya untuk berkontribusi bagi upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang kreatif, unggul dan mandiri sehingga mampu bersaing di tingkat global. Seiring dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan yang dicapai oleh lembaga ini, secara resmi pada 6 Maret 2020 menjadi CV. NUSANTARA TRAINING RESEARCH (NTR).


Laman Teknologi  is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.


RR Texnology Solutions  is your digital solutions provider focusing on information system development, website development, payment gateway, e-Commerce application, mobile application (Google and iOS), product design, book publishers and IT consultancy.

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Academica Press Solutions (APS)  brings you the latest publication in the field of Social Sciences, Sciences, Information Technology, and latest discovery from researcher all around the world. We promise that researchers will have an opportunity to published their scientific research via quality publishing process, as well as strict peer review process.


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