Virtual Innovation Competition is organized by DIGIT360 and Digital Information Interest Group (DIGIT), in collaboration with Information Science Studies, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kelantan Branch Branch, Malaysia; Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia; Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Philippines; Asia Research News; Indian Innovators Association, India; The Union Of Arab Academics, Yemen; Nusantara Training and Research, Indonesia; Academica Press Solutions; Laman Teknologi, Malaysia, RR Texnology, Malaysia, and Meira Visi Persada, Indonesia.
  Featuring innovations from diverse fields and streams, the objectives of the event are:
To nurture the culture of innovation and design in the field of teaching and learning and other related fields among educators, students, and the public.
Provides a prestigious platform for educators, students, and the public to participate and showcase their innovations and designs through a digital platform
Innovative platform
Improving skills
Judged by the experts
A prestigious platform for innovators to share their idea to the world. Academician, practitioners, and students are welcome to participate in VIC24
Get out-of-the-box. Reaches wider audience and enhance interpersonal and intra-personal skills through product innovation
Participants will be judged by a panel of experts appointed by the organizers. Therefore, expect some constructive comments from our experts
A letter of Acceptance (LOA) will be automatically issued for the accepted project. Please check Registro Portal for the copy of the PROJECT ID (I.E. YS10, 3MT1, SS1, ST1)
Upload your video to any YouTube. Please ensure that you set the permission to public or unlisted.
Pay the participation fee via Registro Payment System.
Upload your video link, and evidence (optional – preferably Google Drive) via Registro Portal.
For Young Scientists and Junior Scientists category, you are required to attach an approval letter from the school.
The letter MUST BE GENERATED VIA Registro – Watch Video
Please attach the letter with the school’s official letterhead and obtain the signature as well as the official stamp.
Then, upload the document/letter to Google Drive – set permission to ‘anyone can view’.
The organizer will verify the payment, video, and/or evidence link.
Once verified, the video will be uploaded to VIC Virtual Booth.
A panel of expert reviewers will review all the projects submitted.
Most Outstanding Video Awards will be selected by the juries.
Announcement of results through the VIC YouTube Channel, VIC website, and email.
The judges’ decision is final, and no appeals will be entertained.
Provides a prestigious platform for educators, students, and the public to participate and showcase their innovations and designs through a digital platformÂ
IMPORTANT NOTICE – The Leader for Tertiary, Young Innovator and Junior Innovator must be a student
Participants exceeding 3 minutes of presentation will be disqualified.
Eligibility– Students pursuing a formal education either a first degree (bachelor), masters or doctoral degree with an ACTIVE status from Local or International universities, colleges, etc.
The Presentation must be in a spoken word only (no poem, singing, voice replacement, etc.).
The presentation must be in English.
VIC X-Clusive Medal
Get Your Exclusive Medal - As a Token of Success
All participants will receive an e-Certificate and ONE complimentary Medal for Gold, Silver, and Bronze – EXCEPT for Young Scientist and Junior Scientist categories.
Young Scientist and Junior Scientist categories will receive a participation and award certificate only.
Purchase of additional medals will be opened once the result has been announced.
The price of the medal is RM 50 (inclusive of delivery FEE).