VIC Strategic Partners

(3) Training and Workshop.

Asia Research News is the largest research news platform in Asia, with a mission to increase diversity in news, elevating new voices and spreading knowledge. We have worked with thousands of researchers to communicate their discoveries to the wider world. Our highly experienced team offers a complete suite of communication services and training for research institutions looking to expand their international presence.
Asia Research News is proud to support the Virtual Innovation Competition 2024 as a Strategic Partner. We welcome innovators and inventors to join our Asia’s research community. You can sign up for a free profile posting at
Contact details:
E-mail: [email protected]

The Union Of Arab Academics (Yemen) is an Arabian Research & innovation Development Institution and Non-Government Organization. We interested in researches and innovation development and communicate with professors, experts, Innovations, inventors, scientists’ individuals or organizations, exchange ideas experiences in order to consolidate and improve performance in methodology and objectives in the field of scientific research.

Nusantara Training and Research (Indonesia) adalah sebuah lembaga pengembangan diri yang bergerak dalam bidang pelatihan, penelitian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat serta usahausaha lainnya yang menunjang upaya peningkatan dan pengembangan potensi sumber daya manusia dengan lebih memberikan perhatian pada bidang motivasi, komunikasi, manajemen kepemimpinan dan enterpreneurship. NUSANTARA TRAINING RESEARCH (NTR) memulai operasinya pada Februari 2020. Semenjak awal operasinya Bidang pelatihan merupakan bidang yang lebih banyak ditekuni dengan memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan kepemimpinan di beberapa kalangan baik institusi pendidikan dan kalangan profesional lainnya mulai dari tingkat TK hingga Perguruan tinggi, serta Institusi Pemerintah hingga Perusahaan (BUMN maupun Swasta Nasional) di berbagai daerah Indonesia. Semua ini merupakan upaya untuk berkontribusi bagi upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang kreatif, unggul dan mandiri sehingga mampu bersaing di tingkat global. Seiring dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan yang dicapai oleh lembaga ini, secara resmi pada 6 Maret 2020 menjadi CV. NUSANTARA TRAINING RESEARCH (NTR).

Laman Teknologi is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.

RR Texnology Solutions is your digital solutions provider focusing on information system development, website development, payment gateway, e-Commerce application, mobile application (Google and iOS), product design, book publishers and IT consultancy.
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Academica Press Solutions (APS) brings you the latest publication in the field of Social Sciences, Sciences, Information Technology, and latest discovery from researcher all around the world. We promise that researchers will have an opportunity to published their scientific research via quality publishing process, as well as strict peer review process.